General conditions

For consultation of the general conditions, please download the following link.

Attention please, not all guarantees mentioned in the General Conditions apply in the insurance policy offered by the Associatie KU Leuven. To check the guarantees provided in this policy, please check the Specific Conditions.

Distance selling (only for policies of more than one month)
(a) Any insurance policy entered into via distance sale that has a duration of more than one month is formed as a contract upon receipt of the Policyholder’s acceptance by the Insurer. The Policyholder and the Insurer may cancel the insurance within 14 days without providing a reason or incurring any penalty; this 14 day period runs from the later of the date the Policyholder’s acceptance is received by the Insurer, and the date on which the Policyholder receives the insurance policy General Terms and Conditions in a durable medium (incl. a PDF file that can be printed and stored). Any such cancellation must be made by registered post, bailiff service or in-person delivery against receipt, to the Insurer (AIG Europe S.A., Belgian branch, Pleinlaan 11, 1050 Brussels, Belgium) or the Policyholder (at the address provided online). Cancellation by the Policyholder will be effective immediately upon notification. Cancellation by the Insurer will be effective eight days following its notification to the Policyholder. If the policy is cancelled after the date on which the execution of the Policy started upon the Policyholder’s request, the Policyholder will be due to pay a pro-rata premium for the period of coverage as remuneration for services provided. With this exception, the Insurer will refund all payments received under the insurance policy from the Policyholder within 30 days from:

  • where cancellation is by the Policyholder, the date notice of cancellation was received by the Insurer.
  • where cancellation is by the Insurer, the date notice of cancellation was sent by the Insurer.

(b) Section (a) will not apply to travel luggage insurance policies, or similar short-term insurance policies with a duration of less than one month.